Bachelor's Programs

Gubkin University offers 39 Bachelor’s and 17 Specialist’s programs.

Prospective international students are eligible to apply to a Bachelor’s program at Gubkin University. Applicants are required to hold the Education Certificate that verifies Secondary School level.

Bachelor’s program duration at Gubkin University is four years. Specialist’s program duration is five or five and a half years.
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Bachelor's degree programs

Faculty of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics

05.03.06 Ecology and natural resource management
05.03.01 Geology
  Geology of natural oil and gas reservoirs
  Geological modeling of hydrocarbon deposits

Faculty of Oil and Gas Field Development

Faculty of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Pipeline Transport Systems

Faculty оf Mechanical Engineering

15.03.01 Mechanical engineering
  Additive and welding technologies in the oil and gas industry
  Equipment and technology to increase durability and restoration of machinery parts and devices (no admission in 2024)
  Equipment and technology of welding production (no admission in 2024)
  Robotic construction of facilities for the fuel and energy complex
  Technical diagnostics and renovation of the oil and gas equipment
15.03.02 Technological machines and equipment
  Oil refining and gas processing equipment
  Machinery and equipment for oil and gas fields
  Offshore oil and gas facilities
27.03.01 Standardization and metrology
  Standardization and certification in the oil and gas industry
20.03.01 Technosphere safety
  Safety of technological processes and production in oil and gas industry

Faculty of Chemical and Environmental Engineering

18.03.01 Chemical engineering
  Chemical engineering of oil and gas
18.03.02 Energy and resource saving processes in chemical engineering, petrochemistry and biotechnology
  Ecology in the oil and gas industry

Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering

12.03.01 Instrument engineering
  Intelligent information systems
  Data measurement systems and technologies (no admission in 2024)
13.03.02 Electric power engineering and electrical engineering
  Electric drive and automation
27.03.04 Management in technical systems
  Systems and tools of technological process automation
09.03.01 Informatics and computer engineering
  Automated data processing and management systems
  Integrated automated information systems
01.03.04 Applied mathematics
  Mathematical modeling in engineering and economics

Faculty of Integrated Security of the Fuel and Energy Complex

10.03.01 Information security
Security of automated systems (no admission in 2024)
Security of computer systems
Integrated protection of computer systems (no admission in 2024)
Organization and technologies of information security
20.03.01 Technosphere safety
Information and analytical support of technosphere safety
38.03.01 Economics
Financial security of the fuel and energy complex in the digital economy (no admission in 2024)
Financial security of global energy (no admission in 2024)
Financial and economic security in the oil and gas industry (no admission in 2024)
Security of the digital economy (no admission in 2024)
Economics of digital transformation and technology
38.03.05 Business informatics
IT project management
Digital transformation of the oil and gas business
40.03.01 Jurisprudence
International energy law (no admission in 2024)
International oil and gas law (with in-depth study of a foreign language)
41.03.05 International relationships
IInternational scientific and technical cooperation

Faculty of Economics and Management

Faculty of International Energy Business

38.03.01 Economics
  Global economics
  Transformation of energy business in the new context: risks and opportunities
38.03.02 Management
  International management

Faculty of Law

40.03.01 Jurisprudence
Jurisprudence (no admission in 2024)
International oil and gas law (with in-depth study of a foreign language) (no admission in 2024)
Law in energy business and environment management
Legal regulation of corporate and contractual relations in the fuel and energy complex

Specialist's degree programs

Faculty of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics

21.05.02 Applied  geology
  Geology of oil and gas
21.05.03 Technologies of geological survey
  Geophysical well logging
  Seismic survey (no admission in 2024)
  Computer engineering of geological objects

Faculty of Oil and Gas Field Development

21.05.05 Physical processes of mining or oil and gas production
  Physical processes of oil and gas production
21.05.06 Oil and gas equipment and technologies
  Gas and gas condensate field development and operation
  Oil and gas field development and operation (no admission in 2024)
  Oil field development and operation
  Onshore and offshore oil and gas drilling technology

Faculty of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Pipeline Transport Systems

21.05.06 Oil and gas equipment and technologies
  Construction of facilities for production, transport, storage and distribution of hydrocarbons and hydrogen
  Transport and storage of hydrocarbons

Faculty of Integrated Security of the Fuel and Energy Complex

10.05.03 Information security of automated systems
Security analysis of information systems
Security of automated systems of critical facilities
10.05.04 Information and analytical security systems
Information security of financial and economic institutions
Technologies of information and analytical monitoring
38.05.01 Economic security
Economic and legal support of economic security
40.05.01 Legal support of national security
Legal support of national security: state
Legal support of national security: international
Legal support of national security: criminal (no admission in 2024)