Faculty of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Pipeline Transport Systems

General information

Oil and gas deposits in Russia are located much further away from consumers than in any other country producing hydrocarbons in the world. Therefore, the successful operation of the oil and gas industry largely depends on the efficiency of pipeline systems, reduction in oil and gas transporting expenditure.

The length of main gas and oil pipelines reaches up to 5-6 thousand kilometers; so the indispensable condition is to reduce the energy intensity of oil and gas transport, and specifically through the use of energy-saving technologies.

In the field of design and construction of pipeline transport systems, there are still many unexplored issues associated with pipeline laying in active tectonic subduction zones, in soils susceptible to liquefaction under seismic load; with construction of pipelines in the shelf of northern seas with severe ice conditions.

Career opportunities

For a long time, energy security of the country will depend on successful functioning of the current long-distance distribution and production pipelines. They will remain the basis of pipeline transport in the first half of the 21st century. The labor market of our country urgently needs specialists in pipeline transport. Therefore, the most important scientific, technical and economic task is the training of specialists in construction, operation and repair of pipeline systems.

Areas of study and main disciplines

The Faculty offers training in 2 Bachelor's programs and 9 Master's programs in the area of oil and gas business. Special attention is given to academic process as well as to the organizational and methodological process, the knowledge of specifics of companies' pipeline transport operation and hydrocarbon storage.

Projects, initiatives, events

Since 2007 the Faculty has established a pipeline transport training ground, where training process takes place not only for students specialized in pipeline transport systems, but for all University students.

Constant work is carried out at the Department to secure modern equipment, models, and technical samples for training laboratories in accordance with licensing requirements and standards applied to academic institutions of higher education of the Russian Federation.

Facts from history

Training of specialists for the oil and gas supply system has begun long before the establishment of the Faculty. The first graduation of 4 engineers specialized in "Transportation and storage of oil and gas" was made in 1932 at the Faculty of Industry and Mechanical Engineering by the Department of Transportation and Storage of Oil and Gas.

The Faculty of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Pipeline Transport Systems was established by the order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Specialized Education of the USSR on 11 June 1984. Those days, the Faculty included five departments with academic and research laboratories as well as one industry research laboratory, and provided professional training of students within one production cycle.

Departments and units

  • Department of Gas and Oil Pipelines Engineering and Operation
  • Department of Thermodynamics and Thermal Engines
  • Department of Gas and Oil Pipelines and Storage Facilities Construction and Repair
  • Department of Oil Products and Gas Supplies
  • Department of Military Training
  • Specialized Department of Design of Gas Transport Systems (at the premises of Gazprom Design LLC)
  • Specialized Department of Renewable Energy Sources (at the premises of LUKOIL-Engineering)


Anatoly Korolyenok, Doctor of Technical Science, Professor


Postal address: 119991, Moscow, 65 Leninsky Prospekt, Building 1, Room 525
Phone: +7 (499) 507-89-06
E-mail: fpsdekanat@mail.ru