
Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering

General information

The Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering trains highly skilled IT-specialists in the area of modeling, automation and business process management for oil and gas industry. Students have good background in physics and mathematics, master modern information technologies, mathematical methods of modeling and analysis of complex systems. The key activity areas of future professionals include mathematical modeling and computer simulation, design and operation of computer equipment, information and measuring systems and electrical engineering complexes, facilities and systems of automation and control.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering have high intellectual potential, are familiar with rapidly changing information technologies and prepared to work in any creative teams aimed to develop equipment and technologies of the future. They are in demand and achieve fast career growth in public organizations, private and public companies, including Russian and international oil and gas, engineering, IT, construction and banking companies.

Areas of study and main disciplines

The Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering offers training in Bachelor's and Master's programs in applied mathematics, informatics and computer engineering, instrument engineering, electric power engineering and electrical engineering and management in technical systems.

Students study basic disciplines such as mathematics and natural-science, philosophy, foreign language, economics and management as well as special disciplines such as information technology, fundamental principles of information security, mathematical modeling and computer simulation, theory of electrical engineering, electronics and microprocessor technology, fundamentals of measurement theory, metrology, standardization and certification, automatic control theory, automation and management equipment, automation of technological processes and production, reliability theory, theory of forecasting and decision-making, integrated automated information systems, artificial intelligence technology.

Projects, initiatives, events

Students of the Faculty of Automation and Computer Engineering are always at the forefront of implementing innovative IT projects. The main goal of such projects is to educate specialists with a modern set of competencies, including a broad outlook, professional knowledge and experience, ability to work in a team, strong inter-personal skills, drive for results. The current projects include IT-club Oil & Gas (ITOG) and Student Marathon of Information Technologies "IT-Potential" (SMIT IT-Potential).

Facts from history

The history of the Faculty goes back to 1959 – when the Department of Automation of Technological Processes and the Department of Electrical Engineering and Electronics were established at the Petrochemical Faculty of Gubkin Moscow Oil Institute. The history of the Faculty as a separate structural unit dates back to 1962 – when the Faculty of Radio Electronics and Automation was established at the University. In 1972 the Faculty was renamed and received its current name. At the moment, the research and pedagogical schools founded by outstanding scientists A. Melik-Shakhnazarov, B. Menshov and N. Buslenko continue their work successfully at the Faculty.

Departments and units

  • Department of Advanced Mathematics
  • Department of Informatics
  • Department of Automation of Technological Processes
  • Department of Automated Control Systems
  • Department of Theoretical Electrical Engineering and Electrification of Oil and Gas Industry
  • Department of Information and Measuring Systems
  • Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Simulation


Igor Khrabrov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Postal address: 119991, Moscow, 65 Leninsky Prospekt, Building 2, Room 1425
Phone: +7 (499) 507-81-20