Faculty of Oil and Gas Field Development

General information

Oil and gas are found in a variety of mining and geological conditions. Oil and gas field development and operation specialists focus on extracting valuable resources from the earth interior, both onshore and offshore. The solution of this task is accessible to highly qualified professionals, capable to take part in all stages of design and implementation of the oil and gas field development process.

Career opportunities

Graduates of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Field Development traditionally take key positions in national and international production and service companies, research and design organizations in the oil and gas industry around the world. Drilling technicians and developers from Gubkin University are invited by oil and gas companies to work while they are still studying – students are offered to complete internship and are payed personal scholarships.

Areas of study and main disciplines

Students receive deep knowledge in fundamental disciplines, study geology, economics, engineering mechanics, oil-field chemistry, actively apply computer technologies, and master foreign languages. Reservoir engineering, construction and well operation onshore and offshore are taught by the high priests of the oil and gas industry.

Projects, initiatives, events

Students are able to work in a virtual learning environment established by unique centers for offshore drilling and reservoir management, where they participate in real production situations in 3D-imaging mode.

Facts from history

The Faculty of Oil and Gas Field Development was established in 1930, at the same time with Moscow Oil Institute, and was given the title of the Field and Mechanical Department. It is considered the top Faculty at Gubkin University.

Departments and units

  • Department of Oil and Gas Wells Drilling
  • Department of Oil Field Development and Operation
  • Department of Gas and Gas Condensate Field Development and Operation
  • Department of Oil and Gas and Subsurface Hydromechanics
  • Department of Offshore Oil and Gas Field Development
  • Department of Physics
  • Research Institute of Drilling Technologies
  • Institute of Petrophysics
  • Specialized Department of Oil and Gas Reservoir Systems Research (at the premises of Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC)
  • Specialized Department of Modeling of Physical and Technological Field Development Processes (at the premises of LUKOIL-Engineering)
  • Specialized Department of Designing Hydrocarbon Field Development Systems (at the premises of Ingenix Group)
  • Specialized Department of Innovative Gas Technologies (at the premises of Gazprom VNIIGAZ LLC)
  • Department of Gas Technologies and Underground Gas Storage
  • Well Management Simulation Center
  • Department of System Design of Hydrocarbon Field Facilities Construction


Pyotr Pyatibratov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor


Postal address: 119991, Moscow, 65 Leninsky Prospekt, Building 1, Room 429
Phone: +7 (499) 507-81-61
E-mail: frngm@gubkin.ru