
International Cooperation

One of the strategic objectives set by Gubkin University is cooperation on the international level. The University is aimed to expand the variety and amount of academic services, accelerate research and development activities with foreign partners, improve professional development of the faculty, speed up the faculty and students exchange, and strengthen international relations with different organizations and companies around the world.

Presently, Gubkin University works intensively on the global level with leading academic institutions, which are engaged in training professionals for the oil and gas industry; it is actively represented at international academic services exhibitions; its representatives participate annually in international conferences, forums, lectures and workshops; within the framework of cooperation agreements with international organizations and companies as well as programs of academic mobility, students and postgraduates do practical training at international universities and companies; faculty members and staff upgrade their qualifications abroad; postgraduate students and researchers participate in research exchange programs such as Ivan Gubkin program jointly sponsored by Gubkin University and DAAD.

Academic opportunities with foreign partner universities

In cooperation with international academic institutions, Gubkin University offers Master's degree programs in English and joint Master's degree programs in partnership with such academic institutions as the French Institute of Petroleum (France), the University of Stavanger (Norway), the KTH Royal Institute of Technology (Sweden), Heriot-Watt University (United Kingdom), Texas A&M University (United States), the Freiberg University of Mining and Technology (Germany), Molde University College (Norway) and others.

Learn more about programs in English

Annually as a part of the cooperation program with foreign partner academic institutions, Gubkin University hosts international summer schools. Students, young researchers and professionals have the opportunity to strengthen their academic background, expand their professional and social network and explore the Russian culture, traditions and hospitality during the summer season in Moscow.

Learn more about summer schools

Participation in international associations

Gubkin University is a member of international associations, including: