Offshore field development technology

General information: offered by the Department of Offshore Oil and Gas Field Development of the Faculty of Oil and Gas Field Development at Gubkin University and the Department of Mechanics, Design and Materials Science of the Faculty of Science and Technology at the University of Stavanger (Stavanger, Norway), the program aims at training highly qualified specialists in the field of design and development of offshore oil and gas fields with an emphasis on the development of the Arctic shelf deposits.

The most complex tasks, related to exploration and development of the Arctic shelf, require the combined efforts of different countries to train specialists in this field. Therefore, disciplines are conducted by the faculty members of Gubkin University and the University of Stavanger, experts and prominent industry leaders, which provides students with in-depth knowledge, connection with practical experience and the global vision of the studied disciplines within the program. Upon completion of training, students receive a master’s degree diploma from each partner university: the state diploma of a master’s degree in petroleum engineering (Gubkin University) and the Master of Science diploma in offshore field development technology (University of Stavanger).

Program duration: 2 years, 120 credits

Language of instruction: English

Admission requirements: applicants should meet the requirements of both universities – the University of Stavanger and Gubkin University, which include: 1) Bachelor's, Specialist or Master's degree related to oil and gas industry; 2) demonstrated proficiency in the English language; 3) successful completion of an interview/ tests.

Program details: the program meets all European criteria for Master's degrees. It combines compulsory and elective industry-relevant courses. To complete the program successfully, each student shall be required to take courses totaling 120 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), including Master thesis defense.

In the process of training students:

  • have the opportunity to explore the global experience and modern techniques and technologies for developing offshore oil and gas fields;
  • master the approaches to the conceptual and detailed design of offshore development, including the Arctic shelf deposits;
  • learn from the theoretical and practical experience of the Norwegian specialists involved in the development of the Norwegian continental shelf, including the deposits in the Far North;
  • analyze and generalize the experience of developing new technological processes and technological equipment necessary for the effective development of offshore oil and gas fields.

Within the program, students gain knowledge in the following disciplines:

2nd semester: сourses by Gubkin University
Arctic gas
Continuum mechanics
Decisions making and risk analysis
Environmentally friendly offshore field development
Marine technologies
Measurements in oil and gas production
Modern oil and gas technologies
Nonconventional gas resources
Offshore oil and gas field development
Problem prevention and elimination when oil and gas wells construction and operation
Wellbore drilling process engineering

Summer internship in an oil and gas company which is required to be at least 4 weeks length

3d semester: сourses by University of Stavanger
Arctic offshore engineering
Marine operations
Pipelines and risers
Subsea technology
4th semester
Practical training
Final exams and thesis defense

As part of the program, students go through practical training in order to obtain primary professional skills, as well as pre-diploma practical training.

Career opportunities: the program opens opportunities in the offshore oil and gas industry as well as traditional industries. It is designed to provide students with knowledge and skills required to become technology leaders, supervisors and managers not only in their specialization, but in adjacent areas too. Graduates may acquire positions in the international and national upstream oil and gas industry companies, including operational and service companies and organizations, governmental agencies, universities and research centers, etc.

Cost: training is provided on a commercial basis. The full cost of training equals 1,100,000 RUB, which includes training at Gubkin University (600,000 RUB) and expenses in Norway (500,000 RUB) for 2019/2020 academic year.

Contact details:

Gubkin University
Postal address: Russia, 119991, Moscow, Leninsky Prospekt 65, Bld. 1, Office 327
Department of Oil Field Development and Operation
Phone: +7 (499) 507-82-97

Program supervisor: Mr. Anatoly Borisovich Zolotukhin, Professor, Advisor to the Rector on International Affairs
E-mail: anatoly.zolotukhin@gmail.com

Program coordinator: Ms. Vlada Vladimirovna Streletskaya
E-mail: vlada.streletskaya@gmail.com

Protocol Division of the Office for International Relations:
E-mail: protocol@gubkin.ru
Phone: +7 (499) 507-89-28