The Graduation Ceremony 2024 was held at Gubkin University

On 27 June 2024, the Graduation Ceremony was held at Gubkin University. Special events and awards ceremony for students were organized in the Palace of Culture “Gubkinets”. This year the graduation ceremony was held under the motto “Expanding Boundaries.”

In 2024, 185 specialist’s, 1,160 bachelor’s and 776 master’s degree holders and 7 graduates of the Military Training Center (regular officers) have left the University.

Professor Viktor Martynov, Rector of Gubkin University, welcomed the graduates from the stage.

“Today we congratulate the newly minted specialists. More than 2,000 graduates have overcome this difficult but interesting path to the long-awaited diploma. We sincerely thank the parents of graduates who helped Gubkin University students make the right choice. I wish you all the best in your new life, good health, and best of luck!”, noted Rector Viktor Martynov in his speech.

The graduates were also greeted by Mr. Rustam Asadullin, representative of the Rocket Fuel Office of the Department of Resource Support of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, and Mr. Alexei Lavrenchuk, Head of the Military Training Center at Gubkin University.

Following the gala concert, graduation ceremonies were held at faculties, where deans, heads of departments and faculty members congratulated the graduates.

At the end of the day, various creative teams of the Palace of Culture “Gubkinets” and the Russian performer Sergei Dragni performed for the graduates on the street stage.

On 5 July 2024, graduates will meet again in the Palace of Culture “Gubkinets” for a special concert.