Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter took part in SPE Regional Student Development Summit in Azerbaijan
On 13-16 October 2019, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE) Regional Student Development Summit was held at Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) in Baku, Azerbaijan. Students and young specialists from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia and Uzbekistan participated in the event. Gubkin University was represented by SPE Student Chapter activists.
The Summit was opened by the Rector of Baku Higher Oil School Elmar Gasimov, who emphasized in his welcoming message that the Society of Petroleum Engineers provides great opportunities for students studying oil and gas engineering and young specialists working in this field.
The President of SPE Shauna Noonan also greeted the delegates. In her presentation she noted that the main goals of SPE are to promote the development of students and young engineers, bring together experienced oil and gas industry specialists from around the world, assist them in conducting scientific work and presenting results, as well as organize various conferences, forums, summits and exhibitions for exchange of experiences.
As part of the program, the tour around the university was organized for the participants to demonstrate the newest equipment and laboratories used in practice. In addition, the summit participants learned how to write a resume, took part in discussions and delivered presentations based on the analysis of the current situations in the oil and gas industry in one of the countries, including Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Uzbekistan and the United States.
The Summit helped students to increase their technical knowledge. It also provided them with the opportunity to network with peers, share ideas, meet with major industry figures and employers and work together on joint technical projects.