Gubkin University organized a fieldtrip for SPE Student Chapters from Germany
On April 24 – 26, 2018 a delegation from German Universities, including SPE Student Chapter RWTH Aachen and SPE Hochschulgruppe KIT, visited Moscow. The delegation participants were offered academic and cultural activities organized by Gubkin University SPE Student Chapter activists and volunteers.
The academic program included a round table, a presentation of scientific papers, a tour around Gubkin University departments, and the intellectual game called PetroOlympic Games. The key issue of the round table discussion became the PetroStage – the project designed by the Russian and German students.
In addition, the delegation participants attended Schlumberger Research Center with its laboratory for various experiments in petroleum engineering, as well as Salym Petroleum Development Office, where they were informed about the company, cutting edge technologies used for production, and met the company personnel.
During the cultural activities, German students were accompanied by their Gubkin University peers, and visited major Moscow sights, including Red Square, Zaryadye Park and Arbat Street.