
3d Annual Summit for the ASRTU and 2016 Aoshan Euro-Asia Technology Forum took place in China

On May 23-28, 2016 a number of events dedicated to the 5th Anniversary of the Association of Sino-Russian Technical Universities (ASRTU) took place in the People's Republic of China. As part of the celebrations, 2016 Aoshan Euro-Asia Technology Forum and the 3d Annual Summit ASRTU were held.

Gubkin University was represented by Vice-Rector for Academic Work Vladimir Koshelev and Head of Educational Department Andrey Dushin.

ASRTU was established in March 2011 in order to develop Sino-Russian higher education and strengthen the national innovation capital. At the moment the Russian Federation is represented in ASRTU by 22 technical universities and three universities as observers, China – by 21 universities and 4 universities as observers.

The head of Gubkin University delegation Vladimir Koshelev made a presentation at the plenary session of the Aoshan Forum. He told participants about Gubkin University which stands at the origins of ASRTU and demonstrated innovative research and educational areas of the university in training energy sector specialists. Participants of the Aoshan Euro-Asia Technology Forum adopted the Declaration on Euro-Asia scientific and technical, cultural, and cross-border cooperation in education, research, finance and technology.

China is actively developing innovative technologies in all areas, including creation of a science and technology park of Harbin Institute of Technology – Blue Silicon Valley – in Qingdao which is to become the locomotive of the Chinese economy. Therefore, cooperation between Russian and Chinese technical universities may become mutually beneficial. ASRTU Headquarters are planned to be located in the science and technology park of Harbin Institute of Technology in Qingdao where the representative body of Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas will take its rightful place.