National and World Resource Efficiency Issues Discussed in Tomsk

On September 3-6, 2016 the first World Resource Efficiency Forum was held in Tomsk, Russia. Gubkin University was represented at the conference of young scientists titled "Siberian Academic Week" hosted as part of the Forum.

The first World Resource Efficiency Forum became a new international platform aimed at generating new ideas, approaches and solutions in the field of resource-efficient technologies in modern life, economy and society. The event was oriented to build communication and share experience of the interested professional community in the subject of resource efficiency, promote hi-tech projects and resource-efficient developments, and discuss the modernization of world economy considering the development of resource-efficient technologies and sustainable development concept. The Forum was organized by National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University and the Russian Academy of Sciences with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

The main activities of the Forum were focused on six main development areas. Leading experts from various fields discussed the prospects of robotics in the country, the possibilities of nuclear medicine development, networking cooperation between universities, business and government, the prospects for extraction of hard-to-recover resources, application and introduction of new resource-efficient products and technologies in space exploration, the development of distributed energy technologies and many other.

During the week the promising young scientists under the leadership of RAS academicians developed research projects based on breakthrough ideas. Afterwards, all teams defended their projects in front of the representatives from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Bortnik Fund.

The team, in which Gubkin University student Anastasia Kuklina was involved, took the first place in the final projects defense. Each member of the winning team received a certificate of advanced training and gifts from the sponsors.

Participation of Gubkin University students was organized with the support of the the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation as part of the program aimed at development of activities of student associations.