Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation delivered a lecture at Gubkin University
On 9 April 2021, Mr. Pavel Sorokin, Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation, delivered a lecture “Gas supply and gasification in the Russian Federation” at Gubkin University.
The event was organized by the Student Scientific Society of Gubkin University within the framework of the project “Generation Z Competencies: Career Builder". Deputy Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation spoke about the current state of the national gas industry and further prospects for its development. Mr. Pavel Sorokin provided the up-to-date statistics on the growth of the gasification level in the regions of the Russian Federation and compared it with the EU countries in the field of gas supply. In addition, Mr. Sorokin informed students about the roadmap developed by the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, which includes procedures to simplify the supply of gas to the regions. The action plan represents a unified program and implies a single gasification operator, which will help to make the gas supply process more socially oriented and economically viable.
In conclusion, Mr. Pavel Sorokin shared his experience and answered questions asked by the students regarding the development of the fuel and energy complex and career opportunities.