Congratulations on Victory Day!

Dear friends! Dear colleagues and students!

Please accept my most sincere congratulations on Victory Day – the beloved and significant day for our country and people!

Every year we honor the memory and feat of the people, who at the cost of millions of crippled human lives showed the unbending will, power of the Russian army, strength and invincible spirit. The heroes of the Great Patriotic War managed to defend the borders of the native country, the freedom and independence of the Homeland, and to make the very existence of future generations possible!

On this day, I would like to once again thank the veterans who became real heroes and whose feat will never be forgotten. In the park of our university there is a memorial to faculty members and students who fell in battles with the Nazi invaders on the fronts of the Great Patriotic War. Gubkin University faculty and staff members also contributed to the creation of a memorial to the Soviet soldier near Rzhev, where the name of the Gubkin soldier Vladimir Vinogradov, a graduate and rector of Gubkin University from 1961 to 1993, is immortalized. Vladimir Vinogradov volunteered for the front and took part in the Rzhev-Vyazemsk operation.

Today I would also like to congratulate the fighters of the special military operation, who continue to carry the banner of valor and courage, uniting all generations of Russia to bring peace.

A low bow and endless words of gratitude to the veterans, heroes who died for their Homeland, and everyone who worked in the rear to ensure future Victory! And to those who forge it today! Our cause is right, the enemy will be defeated, Victory will be ours!

Viktor Martynov
Rector of Gubkin University