Congratulations on the Victory Day!

This year we celebrate the 78th anniversary of the end of the deadliest and most destructive war in the history of the country – the Great Patriotic War. This day symbolizes pride in the heroic past of our ancestors – veterans and home front workers for a great and peaceful future.

During the war years, our multinational people became an example of unbending strength of spirit, solidarity, courage and love for the homeland. Hundreds of thousands of students, teachers and researchers went to the front as volunteers. A student, and then the rector of Gubkin University Vladimir Vinogradov was among the volunteers.

In July 1941, 53 Gubkin University staff members and students joined the people’s volunteer army and 255 went to the front, 36 of them remained on the fields of war forever, and 45 were awarded the medal “For the Defense of Moscow”.

During the war years, about 300 engineers were trained at Moscow Oil Institute (the former name of Gubkin University). With the participation of scientists from the Institute, a number of oil and gas fields were discovered, and innovative solutions were introduced into production. For successful completion of the government tasks aimed at training the engineering and technical personnel and on the 25th anniversary of the Institute, by the Decree of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of 26 May 1945, Moscow Oil Institute received the Order of Red Banner of Labor.

On behalf of Gubkin University and on my own behalf, I congratulate everyone on the Victory Day! Honor and glory to the heroes! Low bow to veterans and home front workers!

Viktor Martynov
Rector of Gubkin University