Congratulations on the Defender of the Homeland Day!
Dear faculty and staff members, dear students!
I extend to you my sincere congratulations on the Defender of the Homeland Day!
This day has long become a symbol of military and civil honor, a memory that we cherish and pass on to each other as a sign of respect for our heroes, our history and our Homeland. The current generation of defenders of the Homeland carries with dignity the banner of ancestors by defending the interests of the country.
This day has a significant role aimed at patriotic education of the younger generation. On this day, we think about the sense of justice and duty, the transfer of moral and human qualities inherent in real warriors of the Homeland to the new generation.
Patriotism is a social and state value that unites the social, spiritual, cultural, historical, military and patriotic experience of generations of the past, present and future. It is this connecting category that links today our fighters and all those who work in civilian positions – ensuring the operation of critical infrastructure and energy security, developing the economy of our country and building the foundation for further victories of the Homeland.
I sincerely congratulate everyone on the Defender of the Homeland Day and wish you good health, unbending will, brave decisions and great feats!
Viktor Martynov
Rector of Gubkin University