
Congratulations on Students Day!

Dear students!

January 25th is the Russian Students' Day! A day of optimism, youth, bright ideas and inexhaustible energy.

We highly value our students. Without exaggeration, you are the leaders of Russian youth, and your dreams, aspirations and ideas will eventually become new scientific discoveries, breakthrough inventions, a new milestone in the development of our industry and the entire country, because the future is yours.

Student time is the most vibrant kaleidoscope of wonderful events, every moment of which leaves a trail of special memories in the life of every graduate. It is the time when we find true friends, some even find a life partner, and shape our vision of the profession and life. At this special time, there are no horizons and the knowledge gained allows us to expand them further and further.

I wish you good luck and inspiration, bright events and victories! Remember that you are the future of the oil and gas industry and the future of Russia!

Viktor Martynov
Rector of Gubkin University