Gubkin University students are the winners of the Federal Student Intellectual Quiz in History of Pipeline Transportation of Oil and Oil Products in Russia
On 7 September 2023, the Federal Student Intellectual Quiz in History of Pipeline Transportation of Oil and Oil Products in Russia was held by Transneft PJSC. Gubkin University was represented by a team of activists of the Student Scientific Society who are studying at the Faculty of Design, Construction and Exploitation of Pipeline Transport Systems – Mr. Andrey Komyagin, Mr. Vadim Trofimov, Mr. Kirill Bochkarev, Mr. Denis Golovkin and Mr. Danil Kuraev.
The quiz was organized on the occasion of the company’s anniversary celebrated in 2023 and provided students with an opportunity to demonstrate their skills, gain experience and establish contacts with the management and leading specialists of the company.
The quiz had five rounds that included questions and exercises related to pipeline transport. Gubkin University team competed with students from other leading industry universities in Russia, such as Tomsk Polytechnic University, Ufa State Petroleum Technological University, Tyumen Industrial University, Ukhta State Technical University, Samara Polytech and Far Eastern Federal University. During the quiz, all teams demonstrated outstanding knowledge of the industry. According to the results of the last round, Gubkin University became the winner.