Graduation Ceremony 2024

For each student this day is probably the most anticipated and important. It is the day when the results of a long-term hard-working, but exciting student life at the University are summed up. It is the day of Graduation Ceremony and Presentation of Honors Diplomas.

In 2024, the Graduation Ceremony will be held in two stage:

  • The first one will take place on 27 June 2024. From 12:00, interactive themed sites, photo zones and a street scene will be organized for graduates. At 14:00, a concert will take place in the Palace of Culture “Gubkinets” where creative teams will perform. A special entrance will be organized through the main entrance to the Palace of Culture “Gubkinets” from the outside.
  • On 5 July 2024. at 14:00 graduates will meet again in the Palace of Culture “Gubkinets” for a special concert.

Choose your day and come to the main day of this summer! Better yet, come twice!