Key results of Gubkin Priority 2030 Program
  • A new type of biodegradable dressing materials is being tested together with a group of academic medical institutes
  • The production and use of the modifier “asphalt structure correctors” are being tested together with the industrial cluster of the Ivanovo region
  • A research and development program has been prepared for PJSC Gazprom for 2024–2025
  • More than ten thousand people have completed training within continuing professional education
Strategic projects
Hybrid materials and processes for decarbonization of the economy
Lead – Professor Vladimir Arnoldovich Vinokurov,
Head of Department of Physical and Colloid Chemistry,
Doctor of Chemical Sciences
Key results
  • 1
    Delivery of Master’s program with Qilu University of Technology (China), successful experience in conducting applied and fundamental research on the basis of a joint laboratory.
  • 2
    Implementation of the project ‘Functional composites based on phase-transition materials for energy-saving coatings with active thermoregulation: obtaining and characterizing the properties of energy-saving materials and coatings based on the obtained stable phase-transition materials’.
  • 3
    Testing and updating of the content for a continuing education program; development of the educational and methodological guide ‘Biorefining. Nanomaterials based on natural raw materials’.
  • 4
    Publication activity in leading journals.
Development of proactive import-substitution technologies and equipment testing system in the fuel and energy sector
Lead – Professor Natalya Nikolaevna Andreeva,
Head of Specialized Department of Designing Hydrocarbon Field Development Systems, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Key results
  • 1
    Implementation of the project ‘Preparation of recommendations for conceptualization of the development of a network of centers and industrial sites for testing oil and gas equipment, devices and materials’ for PJSC Gazprom.
  • 2
    Organization of the international scientific and practical conference ‘Information Modeling in the Design and Construction of Oil and Gas Facilities’ which brought together more than 100 delegates representing 62 companies from Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
  • 3
    Training of university faculty under the program of continuing professional education ‘Development of practical skills in creating information models of fuel and energy complex facilities’.
  • 4
    Establishment of engineering groups and implementation of projects on design, scientific and technical support, technical diagnostics, industrial safety expertise, HAZOP.
  • 5
    Preparation of the training manual ‘Practical principles of organizing testing of industrial products for the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation’.
  • 6
    Preparation of ToR for the conceptualization of the development of an industrial testing site on the basis of the Vyngapurovskoye Oil and Gas Condensate Field of Gazprom Dobycha Noyabrsk LLC’ implemented in 2024.
Low-carbon energy and petrochemical products
Lead – Professor Vladimir Mikhailovich Kapustin,
Head of Department of Oil Processing Technologies, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Key results
  • 1
    Construction of the market model for organizing all-Russian examination of fuels for the domestic market, taking into account the specialized requirements of corporate structures, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, large transport companies; implementation of a series of pilot projects for examination and improvement of technological processes for the production of jet fuels.
  • 2
    Elaboration of the program for the development of distributed research on the quality of fuel products in the Russian Federation.
  • 3
    Industrial implementation of a specialized additive for improving the quality of gasoline.
  • 4
    Preparation of three technological digests of advanced research and development, new patents, analytical papers and reports, articles and dissertations in the field of decarbonization of the oil and gas sector.
  • 5
    Work under the Russian Science Foundation grant ‘Research of new methods for producing renewable aviation fuel from lignocellulosic biomass with a complex of thermal and thermocatalytic processes’.
  • 6
    Publication activity in leading journals.
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